Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why We're Here

Why We’re Here

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you
created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."
Rev. 4:11 (NIV)

My reason for being is to love and worship my Creator. When I’m not doing this,
I’m not happy or joyous. I don’t have the power to be. I wasn’t created that
way. When I try to find contentment in things of the world, I’m trying to make a
car run on honey, when it was built to run on gas.

When I’m not content, I wonder why. I try to find the reason. A lack of money?
Not enough free time? Need a vacation? Relationship woes? My child won’t “do
right”? My friends are letting me down?

Those are temporary situations. My relationship with the Creator is eternal. It
began before I was born, will continue after I’m “dead.” When I’m not content,
it’s this relationship that’s disturbed. It has to be. A loving relationship
with Him is why I was made. If I’m good with God, and He is pleased with me, I
will be happy, joyous and free in Him, no matter the condition of a fallen world
or my physical condition in it.

Always, my relationship with Him is the thing. I allow the simplicity of this to
escape me. But in moments of clarity, I remember.

Eyes on God change human perspective. Eyes off God are rolling the dice.
