Friday, September 25, 2009

Wish I were already tire-d

Could go watch Cedar Creek play awhile tonight. Iffy...

Got plenty to read and write at home.

Get tires in the morning. I like my tire people but I don't like having to buy tires. But you've got to have tires. Tires are a must.

Could go to Tinker's for a while after tires. Possibly. See Tick and Jeeves. Watch some football. Don't know. Got a free ticket to the community play at the Dixie. So that'll happen. Sunday matinee, I'm thinking. But I could go to the play toNIGHT, skip Cedar Creek, do the writing and reading Sunday and Saturday.

Do you have weekends like that, where you don't know what to do when? Sort of like weekdays, sometimes? I am certain about the tires; I'll use that as a focal point and build around it. Tires, Sunday school, church house, a Bible study, and everything else, we'll just have to see. Could zip over to the Cowboys game but I've already agreed to let some other people use my luxury suite. Plus it's not 'til Monday night. Plus I'm just joking.

OK. The two memory verses for the past two weeks. I forgot to post one last week. How am I going to memorize a verse if I can't remember to post it?

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
Psalm 20:7
