Thursday, September 26, 2013

Note From FCA's Terry Slack: Paul Dietzel And FCA

If you read The Times recently you noticed a very nice article in the Sports section about former LSU Coach Paul Dietzel, and his passing.

At the end of the article it mentioned a request, in lieu of flowers, for all donations to go to the Baton Rouge Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

All of these donations will go to help Marla and Andy Stroup with the ministry of FCA in Baton Rouge, and LSU.

Coach Dietzel was very involved with FCA for many years.  He attended the first FCA Camp, along with many LSU athletes, held in Estes Park in 1956. 

God used FCA to have an influence and impact on his life.  Coach Dietzel attended many FCA events and camps for years.

If you would like to make a donation, go to, or mail your donation to Baton Rouge FCA, PO Box 14559, Baton Rouge, 70898.

Lord Bless,
Terry Slack