Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Lunar Landing Day!

Hey, if you get a note from the health department warning you not to eat canned pork, just ignore it: It's SPAM.



I was very sleepy but battled and watched with my family as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon 40 years ago tonight. I don't know if I was able to stay awake long enough to watch Buzz Aldrin or not. It was between 10 and 11 in South Carolina when homey took the first step and I was very excited but very sleepy, even though we'd just gotten a new 52-inch plasma flat screen. (Neg -- it was a tiny black and white and the grainy NASA feed looked just like every other picture we ever got. Neil Armstrong came in just as clear as Bart Starr.) Like every other person, I went outside and looked at the moon, you know, just to see if I could see them. Couldn't. Besides, they were walking on the shaded part. And even if the astronauts were the size of the Jolly Green Giant, you still couldn't see them. But we had to look...I mean, we WERE in South Carolina...very rural South Carolina...We still looked up when planes came over.


Helped the Von Frapp family move their daughter Saturday. All I had to do was load stuff into a U-Haul, then eat, so it wasn't too bad. After helping people move constantly in the Young Years, I haven't helped anyone move but me in more than a decade. I do not want to be a professional mover. I did help move the church library a few weeks ago!, but that was mostly -- guess what? -- books. From one room to another. When you start moving clothes-washing machines and couches and antique tables through doorways and all, it's a whole other ballgame.


Sunday I churched it a couple of times, walked 54 miles and had my first ever order of cheese tater tots. And read most of a book called Every Day Deserves a Chance by Max Lucado; it's good. Will file a report later. I think you can actually read it online here.