Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vision Accomplished, Series from Nehemiah, Part 1

(notes from FBC Ruston and Dr Chris)

Nehemiah 1

To know Christ, love Him and others, and discover His mission and visition for you is what life's about.

God really want to do something with you..

Nehemiah was cup bearer to the king, a trusted servant and food-taster for the king. The Walls of Jerusalem have been down for 140 years, since the Babylonian takeover. Nehemiah and Israel will rebuild the wall in 52 days. The book of Nehemiah is about this event.

What can this mean to me?

1. Long-Term Visions
...for your career, marriage, in your community etc...

2. Short-Term Visions
...Nehemiah called to rebuild a wall. What have I been putting off doing?

Are there things you'd do differently if you lived your life over? So what are you waiting on...

God has a wall for you
Find that callenge, that wall/vision. All god to make a difference with your life.
