Monday, March 26, 2012

Book Lover's Diary

IF YOU CLICK, you won't be able to look inside as this image is stolen from Amazon.

Read it last week. Only 120ish pages and is true to its title: The First World War: A VERY SHORT Introduction.

I asked Dr. David Anderson, a Louisiana Tech history whiz and professor and Tarheel fan and graduate -- I am sorry for the loss to Kansas Dr. Anderson; I had the Tarheels too -- about The Great War and where to start and he suggested this. Glad he did.

Oxford Press has more than 100 titles in its VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION series; I did not know that. You might be interested. There's a web site and everything. I think my spousal unit might like the short intro to forensic stuff, which is not the actual title but it is something like that. My spousal likes forensics. Criminal Minds. Private Prac. The Man Who Shot That Other Man. She watches all those shows.

Below is a note about the book from the Amazon site. A century ago, things were awfully testy in Europe...

By the time the First World War ended in 1918, eight million people had died in what had been perhaps the most apocalyptic episode the world had known.
This Very Short Introduction provides a concise and insightful history of the Great War--from the state of Europe in 1914, to the role of the US, the collapse of Russia, and the eventual surrender of the Central Powers. Examining how and why the war was fought, as well as the historical controversies that still surround the war, Michael Howard also looks at how peace was ultimately made, and describes the potent legacy of resentment left to Germany.
