Monday, August 15, 2011

Golden Nuggets From Romans (7th in a series)

(sermon notes from Dr. Craig, FBC Ruston)


The Roman Road to Life -- the most dangerous road in the world, but forks into what can be the most beautiful road.

1. We Are All Sinners
Rom 3:23 -- "For ALL have sinned and fallen short)
There are five words for "sin" in the Greek...
a. sin of unbelief
b. of breaking God's law
c. of unrighteousness
d. desire for bad things
e. concept of missing the mark with God
* We all fall short of God's standard; nobody can be saved until they realize they are lost; we are sinners both by nature and by choice.

2. Sin Leads to Death
Rom 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death..."
death of joy, effectiveness, witness...and pyysical death, a physical and spiritual eternal separation

3. God Has Intervened
Rom 6:23b .. "...but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord..."

4. We Must Respond
Rom 9:10 -- "If you confess..and believe..."
Rom 10:13 -- For everyone who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved..."

James 2:19 "You believe there is one God? Good! So do the demons..."
The Christian/biblical word for 'belief" here means an intellectual understanding and a burning of the heart, a surrendering...
confess -- declaring Jesus is my Lord, declaring an agreement with God about who He is and about my responding with allegiance

Mat 7:21 "Not every who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom..."

The Bible says that you can know you are saved
John 3:16
Rom 10: 9-10
1 John 5:13

Safety, certainty, and enjoyment in Christ

